Summary of “Chemical in Household Products”

Posted: May 2, 2011 in Uncategorized


According to FAO’s reports, in the world has exceedingly reached 70,000 kinds of pesticides. Every year around 1,500 new pesticides are found to wait form a marketing license.

On the one hand, we need to increase the food production. On the other hand we need to ensure farmer’s health and environment preservation.

-This is the function of several kinds of pesticides :

  1. Insecticides     : to control insect
  2. Fungicides       : to control fungi
  3. Herbicides       : to control weeds
  4. Bactericides    : to control bacteria
  5. Rodenticides   : to control rodents
  6. Nematicides    : to control mollusks

Insecticides are the kind of pesticide which are mostly used by farmers.

The excessive use of pesticides will bring about negative effect, especially on human health and environment. Pests using pesticides, exposed objects are not only pests but also the adjancent objects.

There are many case about it. It’s impossible to totally reducethe negative effectof pesticides. The best solution is to minimize the negative effect by using pesticides proportionally.

The case of pesticides application

 -Many bird that feed on insect die because of the accumulated insecticide residues in their preys. This kind of extermination caused by insecticide residue also happens to bat and other big birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, owls and egrets. The dwinling number of bird is also caused by mortality level of the birds’ offsprings. Birds contaminated by polychlorinated biphenylnpesticides will produce eggs with thin shells. The abnormal thickness of eegs’ sheels affect the chick’s survival.

-The parents that spray pesticides (insecticides) in the house regularly, their children 3.8 times have possibility to have blood cancer and leukimia then, children that live in the house that rarely sprayed by pesticides (insecticides).

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